meet the team

(mrs book-ish)
Fiction fanatic with a love of quirky characters: enjoys cackling hysterically at witty one-liners or ugly crying at 3 a/m into a book she can’t put down.
Runs everything, but particularly the Monday book group.
That Green Eyed Girl – Julie Owen Moyham
The Lincoln Highway – Amos Towles
Go As A River – Shelley Read
A Slow Fire Burning – Paula Hawkins

(mr book-ish)
Outdoorsy type. Likes board games, sci-fi, philosophy, comedy, “proper music” and beer. Runs the Beer & Book Club and the monthly Book-ish quiz.
Douglas Adams
Jeff Vandermeer

Administrator in chief. Our Lady of Instagram. Festival bookseller. OG Token American.
Likes melancholy non-fiction, about nature and life and learning. Appreciates a beautiful book, be it coffee table or children’s picture.

Schools bookseller. Former English teacher. Other Token American.
Likes all the books, all the time. Typically reading six things at once. Enjoys a good spredge over coffee. Heart belongs to YA, romance, and starting trilogies with book two.

Avoiding the camera.

Transcendent Kingdom – Yaa Gyasi
The Island of Sea Women – Lisa See
Heaven – Mieko Kawakami

Loves books, theatre, music, film and TV.